5 Breastfeeding Topics That Aren't Talked About Enough

5 Breastfeeding Topics That Aren't Talked About Enough

If you are struggling with your baby rejecting your breast, I highly recommend using a newborn pacifier and getting a pacifier wristband to go with it!
  1. Those first two weeks of breastfeeding…

The first two weeks of breastfeeding are two of the most exhausting, painful and wonderful weeks. They are filled with round the clock nursing, cracked and/or bleeding nipples, crying (probably from the baby and the mom), but most importantly, you create beautiful memories and you forge an important bond with your baby.

Most people don’t talk about this time because we don’t interact with many people after first giving birth. This time is SO hard! I was emotionally unstable during this period with all three of my children. If you’re struggling don’t wait to reach out to a lactation consultant, doctor, or therapist to help you work through your emotional and/or physical distress!

  1. Your baby may reject your breast.

Breastfeeding isn’t always as easy as it sounds. My first son had a terrible time latching which made breastfeeding awful for him and me! We used an infant pacifier to help him with his sucking motion and our breastfeeding journey took off from there!

If you are struggling with getting your baby to latch I highly recommend using a newborn pacifier and getting an Ingy Bingy Band to go with it. This pacifier wristband velcros around baby’s wrist so their newborn pacifier is right where they need it whenever they need it.

This pacifier bracelet is a sanity saver. It’s so frustrating when a newborn pacifier keeps falling out. Most people use pacifier clips, but the Ingy Bingy Band is a safer and more cost-effective option!

  1. Breastfeeding in public 

No matter how forward thinking our society is becoming breastfeeding in public can still be a taboo. When I was nursing my first I would hide in another room and you would occasionally find my with my nursing cover on. When I had my third child I finally woke up to the realization that I need to do what’s best for my baby and not worry about what other people think.

I rarely used a nursing cover, but tried to be as discrete as possible when I nursed in public. My new thought process was, “When I’m hungry I eat, so if my daughter’s hungry, she shouldn’t have to wait to eat either.”

  1. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing.

Breastfeeding comes with a lot of demands. It demands your body and your time. Your body is working so hard to fuel yourself and another human! That’s amazing! It’s no surprise that most women hit a wall at some point during their breastfeeding journey.

The good news is that it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Whenever I talked about struggling with breastfeeding people would always tell me to quit. I’m here to change that narrative. Make adjustments! Talk with a lactation consultant and/or your pediatrician and make adjustments that work for you. If it’s too much, cut down your nursing sessions and switch to bottles for part of the day.

If your supply is low you can mix formula with the milk you are producing or give a bottle after you’ve finished nursing at the breast. There are so many ways to make breastfeeding work for you and your little one! Don’t let anyone tell you differently!

  1. Ending breastfeeding is hard.

No matter what your reason for ending your breastfeeding journey is it’s hard. I’ve felt like a failure, sad, happy, and relieved at different points when I ended my breastfeeding journeys. No matter how you feel, the truth is that you are an amazing mom to your child!


The Ingy Bingy Band is not your everyday pacifier clip! This game-changing pacifier wristband helps babies self-soothe at a younger age than ever before! Instinctively, babies gnaw on their hands in an attempt to soothe. The Ingy Bingy pacifier wristband keeps their pacifier right where they’ll find it, allowing your baby to comfort and calm themselves while you do whatever it is you need to do! Our buttery soft wristband comes in two styles to accommodate every pacifier. Our Pacific style should be used when your baby’s pacifier holes are near their nose and chin when in use. It is most commonly used with Avent, BIBS, Dr. Brown’s, MAM, Nuby, NUK, Medela, FRIGG, Nanobébé, Tommee Tippee, and Chicco pacifiers. Our Sequoia style should be used when your baby’s pacifier holes are near their nose and chin when in use. It is most commonly used with Itzy Ritzy, Ryan & Rose, and The Dearest Grey pacifiers. If you are still unsure which pacifier wristband style is right for you, check out our style guide or text the name and/or picture of your preferred paci & we’ll let you know which style is right for you!



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